I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Published on January 10, 2008 By RobJK In Object Desktop
I dont know how to use any of the software that comes with object desktop. But i think i can figure it out somehow. However I dont know how to find out how to use virtual desktops. I though that virtual desktops was able to have different windows blinds skins for each and custom icons for each desktop. The onlything i can change is the wallpapers for each desktop? What is going on here?
on Jan 10, 2008
RobJK I was going to post a link to the WinCustomize Wiki Virtual Desktops page, but there's not much to say about this function.

From what I can see, No you can not apply different WB for each desktop and yes you can apply different wallpapers for each desktop. The main purpose is to give you added desktop space so that you can have mulitple applications open and switch between each virtual desktop easily to get to them.

Since you can open different applications of each desktop you might try opening different DesktopX Objects and Widgets on each, or open SysMetrix on one. Doing this with a different wallpaper on each will give you a different look. Just remember the more things you have running the more resources you will use.

Also pick a WB that allows you to use transparency and blur which will make it blend better with the different walls. If you manage to come up with something you like post a SS back here so we call all see.
on Jan 10, 2008
Ok thank you so much. I am having so much trouble with objectbar and desktop x and pretty much everything that came with object desktop. Excuding icons packager soundpackager wb and all those easy ones. Do you know of anywhere i can go to get complete instructions to how to use them all. and i do know that object desktop comes with the documentation and stuff but that just tells what the stuff will do and i know what it does i just don know how to do it? Is there any user guides? Please help becuase i paid for it and i dont know how to use it? LOL
on Jan 10, 2008
The wiki is a good place to start
on Jan 10, 2008
You are welcome RobJK. Know what you are talking about, I've been a member here now for over three years, still haven't used all the software yet.   

As Zubaz pointed out the Wiki is always a good place to start. Be sure and check out the tutortials there. Just remember to have fun with all of this.   
on Mar 07, 2008
Oh I am! I am learning allot. But i just dont use Virtual Desktops? Its cool but it doesnt help me? Thanks guys!
