I just thought i would put it out there that there is a fun an usefull program that, on mouse comand or hotkey will show the windows you have open on your pc in a 3d screen for easier selection. Its hard to exxplain how it looks exept to say that it shows all your windows stacked in a 3d way so that you can click on one and bring it foward to the front of your screen. Like in vista i guess. Anyway it is very usefull and fun expecialy when you are working with multiple windows and prjects on your pc. For more inforamtion visit my vista screen shot here-https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=21784&libid=13. Plenty of other vista stuff like the vista solitare and spider miesweeper. Any how hope you find it usefull
Here is the link to winfliphttp://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://www.tokyodownstairs.com/cgi-bin/article.pl%3Fselect%3Dworks%26toparticle%3D07073130.nws&oi=translate
Thanks Rob