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I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Wacom Bamboo Fun Pen tablet device
Not working corectly in gimp. Cursor offset?
Published on June 2, 2008 By
I bought a wacom Bamboo Fun Pen Tablet input device retail from best buy. It works great and is a fun tool to use. The problem is It will not work right in gimp? My cursor is about 40 pixles from the brush? If anyone uses gimp and has a pen input tablet device please help me? I dont know what to do?
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Robjk Sound Packager!!!
on Jun 05, 2008
Hey I guess since no one knows the answer to this then can someone tell me what I need to buy? I know that It will work with Photoshop. I works in Paint.net and Realy everything but gimp? I don't want to spend all the money to buy Photoshop! way too much money! So is there away to just get the specific program from Photoshop that I will use to skin? I Clont quite understand what Photoshop is? I assume it is like Nero, A bundle of programs. I Assume that Photoshop comes with programs to edit pictures you take with a camera and stuff like that.
Basicly I think that Photoshop CS3 will come with a bunch of programs I will nor use because I only want to use it to make skins, icons, etc. I want the program from Photoshop that is the equivilant to Gimp. I am really hoping that my idea of Photoshop is right because if I have to spend $600.00 bucks Just for a image creating program, well I won't so.... I can't! I don't know who has that kind of money. Photoshop E laments 5.0 came with my tablet and so did Corel Painter Essentials 3? But I coat know how to use these. I forget even know how to use paint.net? I am shore that I will be lost in Photoshop!
what do I do!!!
on Jun 06, 2008
There was a poll about this in January and a lot of users recommended Paint Shop Pro.
It costs about $80.
Graphics Tool of Choice
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