I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Skinnable Search Application
Published on March 7, 2008 By RobJK In Windows Software

     I have heard about Launchy a few times but never though that it would serve a purpose in my everyday computing. That's becuase I wasn't shure what it was? I was browsing for wallpapers yesterday and saw Launchy 2.0 released as a recent post at Customize.org I thought I would check it out. Boy am I glad I did! This program is not only FREE, but it also uses a very  small amount of system recources.

    Stable, Fast, Functional, and SKINNABLE!In beta but stable, I havnt had a problem yet. I will edit this artical if do. Its purpose is to provide its user with quick and easy acess to any program, file, or directory. By default it is set to be Hidden and easily shown by a hotkey which can be changed(alt+space bar{default}) Similar to the search bar in Windows Vista's start menu,(Launchy not part of start menu) this program searches for programs and files in a specified directory. When you enter a letter in the text bar it starts it search recognising all programs\files with that letter in its name alphabeticaly, listing them in order alphabeticaly. The icon and name, of the first in the list, will appear on the programs face and will be executed when you press enter. The other programs it finds, are shown in a drop down menu, in alphabetical order of course. As you type on, the options change instantianiously, as it searches alphabetically through specified directorys. It takes but a second for it to show results after you type! Three or Four letters max ,(for me anyway)from a program\file's name will get you your program!

     Which directory(folder) Launchy searches in is up to YOU! That is what makes launchy so benificial to ALL users. Upon initiall install, it is set to search your start menu. Vista has this feature.. but you can change it to search through your music folder,your videos,your documents,pictures, skins, or all of the above plus your start menu. You can quickly and easily change the directory it searches in. Left click-->options---> Add folder! Simple as that. Have one folder, or fifteen? Launchy still finds what you need in just a few simple taps!Better yet, the amount of directorys you have it set to search in doesnt slow it down! Having fifteen folders set doesnt change your results. You can still find what you need in no more than Six letters. Of course displayed first would be any program\file with that sequence of letter IN IT. Meaning that you would need to enter less letters from programs\files name if you entered a sequence of letters from the middle or end of you program\file's name? For example I want to find System Restore. Sys brings up Sysmetrix... System= System Power folder?..System Re=System Reboot?...Thats not allot but I cant type well. So I enter REST and Voula! I have System Resore! Enter and System Resore Opens.

    You will have to learn little tricks like that for certain things which differ from user to user of course. Different Files and different amounts of "search in" folders will bring different results in terms of how many letters you have to type. But these two atributes will never effect Launchy's Performance Speed. Oh and I should add that you have to add file extentions you want lauchy to index. Meaning if you want it to find music files, you have add .mp3 as a file type under any directory with .mp3 files. A benifit of this feature is that you can weed out certain things by not entering their file extention for their directory. 

    Launchy also makes it simple to navigate to any folder on your computer. Unlike the run comand, which only knows your history for commands, launchy searches as you type. This means that If i want stardock, I dont have to type the whole name. I just type St and its name will show up on the programs face. To Perform this you simply enter the drives letter and the journey begins. As an example, I will tell you how I would navigate to my widgets folder. I would type c:\ --->p and program files shows on launchy. thats what I want so I press tab. C:\program files\ is entered into the text line for you! so next I want stardock. St= Stardock--->tab----->object desktop--->. and so on. 

      It definatley doesnt stop there! Your search options are not limeted to your hard disk. You can navigate to any specific website. You can also search  websites including, but not limited to, Google, Yahoo, and MSN, in a few simple steps. Type in the sites name and press tab. Whatever you type next is what that site will search for. For example: I type google, when I press tab a little arow pops up. That means that the program recognises that site as a internet search engine. I want to find icons. So I type Icons and press enter. My browser pops up with a google search for Icons. Simple, Fast, and VERY USEFULL. If your not sold yet There is MORE! It is a calculator enter any equation in the text box and it gives you an answer. Algebreic or not Launchy will give you your answer. You can check the weather. Weather----> tab---->zip code. wow if thats not functional, i have no clue what is?

     So as you can see, Launchy makes for easy and productive computer useage, for ALL of its users. In my eyes launchy is a must have! Download it any you will sfind that there is no need for anything othere than a nice Wallpaer and Launchy: The Open Source Keystroke Launcher for Windows!


Launchy In Action!


 Developers Description:

Launchy is a free windows utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager.

Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!

Get it here--->http://www.launchy.net

Skins Here--->http://browse.deviantart.com/customization/skins/applaunchers/launchy/?order=5









Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages1 2 
on Mar 08, 2008
1. Not really needing of 3 posts.

2. A "paragraph" containing 808 words consisting of 3,721 characters (not counting the 800 spaces) taking up 52 lines in Word using Times New Roman @ 12 is just way too long and unmitigatedly screams 'decaf!'

3. Reading intermittent upspeak hurts my brain more than hearing it.
on Mar 08, 2008

I removed the other two posts.

on Mar 08, 2008
I will bet my left proverbial that next to no-one will read that 'paragraph' in full...
on Mar 08, 2008
I will bet my left proverbial that next to no-one will read that 'paragraph' in full..

Safe bet 
on Mar 08, 2008
next to no-one will read that 'paragraph' in full

I tried to do it, but alas I was bored to tears from the start and only made it about 1/3 of the way..
on Mar 08, 2008

got that far then jumped to bottom
on Mar 08, 2008
SKINNABLE got that far then jumped to bottom

on Mar 08, 2008
yeah, I just couldn't do it, though I did try. That is a tough read, and now my eyes hurt (and I think they might be bleeding a little....)
on Mar 08, 2008
Sorry Guys? Zoomba Told me to add more info? I am Peot and A writer so i just love to write? I Tryed to make it as interesting as possible? I dont know i guess I just got a little to Newpaper\Advertisment\professional ishy? I didnt put any of my personality into it? I just LOVE WRITTING? And hey by I just noticed YOU all dissed on it, and teased me for it? How Rude! I spent an hour on this?LOL Geeze can I at least get a Nice TRY? J\k I not really mad.(a little sad?) I mean come on. I am always trying to become part of this community and get involved but I guess i just dont fit in? I always get shut down. Thats alright though. I still have fun and I wont GIVE UP! I am trying to get into skinning? I dont know. Its whatev? Thanks Anyway guys.
on Mar 08, 2008
Think you missed the point.

One big block makes it hard to read

Small sections with spaces in between and it becomes easier to read.

on Mar 08, 2008

Sorry Guys? Zoomba Told me to add more info? I am Peot and A writer so i just love to write? I Tryed to make it as interesting as possible? I dont know i guess I just got a little to Newpaper\Advertisment\professional ishy? I didnt put any of my personality into it? I just LOVE WRITTING? And hey by I just noticed YOU all dissed on it, and teased me for it? How Rude! I spent an hour on this?LOL Geeze can I at least get a Nice TRY? J\k I not really mad.(a little sad?) I mean come on. I am always trying to become part of this community and get involved but I guess i just dont fit in? I always get shut down. Thats alright though. I still have fun and I wont GIVE UP! I am trying to get into skinning? I dont know. Its whatev? Thanks Anyway guys.

RobJK ...it's simply a matter of punctuation and setting text to paragraphs.  Solid-block text will almost always guarantee you a poor audience response...most will simply find it too hard to maintain any sense of narrative.

Think of it like seeing/wanting a really nice cake....but instead of cutting off a few slices to enjoy you try to shove the entire thing into your mouth at once.....

....and choke...


In internet/forum communication the 'enter' key [carriage return] is your friend...

on Mar 08, 2008
I tried to read it also... got about 20 words in and gave up. It's just too intimidating. Small blocks are easier to visually digest and aids fast assimilation of information.

But i use Launchy anyways so it's not like I needed to read all that.
on Mar 08, 2008

Sorry Guys? Zoomba Told me to add more info?
I am Peot and A writer so i just love to write?
I Tryed to make it as interesting as possible?
I dont know i guess I just got a little to Newpaper\Advertisment\professional ishy? I didnt put any of my personality into it?
And hey by I just noticed YOU all dissed on it, and teased me for it? How Rude!
I spent an hour on this?

You are a poet and a writer?

Take a look at the above quote. I spaced it out for you.

Everyone of those are questions. I can tell because they have a '?' on the end.
I don't know what Zoomba told you.
I don't know if you're a poet/writer and love to write.
I don't know how hard you tried.
No it's not 'newpaperishy'.. that would entail the 2nd paragraph to be formatted more along the lines of 'who', 'what', when', 'where', and 'why'. (Journalism 101). Not 'professionalishy' either due to the lack of structure, grammar, punctuation and format. Due to the length, it's more spam than advertisement.

Yet, I get the feeling those weren't supposed to be questions, but statements.

Upspeak causes cancer.

I don't mind information on other things out there... I just like it in a reader friendly format.

An hour was spent on it?

Correct punctuation and good paragraph formation will get you at least a nice try.

on Mar 08, 2008
double post

on Mar 08, 2008
Ace post but...have you heard about a paragraph?
2 Pages1 2