I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Published on February 23, 2008 By RobJK In DesktopX

Ok I dont know what I Did? I was building an object bar and I wanted one of my menus to have a weather widget? So i clicked DX wid. and browsed for the weather widget i wanted?Didnt work so i tryed anther and it still didnt work. Tried few more times. Any other widget works? The calendars clocks todo list all work? Just not the weather widget? Even If I go into my widgets folder and try to open a weather widget it wont open? They will all be opened in task manager when I am through trying to get a weather to open. So i have to end them all there? They all say that they arnt responding. And if I try to bring them to the front with task manager?..... task manager goes unresponsive?. It is only with the Weather Widgets. They seen to open but I cant SEE them? And If there is a tray Icon for it ususally I cant even right click it? HELP!!!!



Thank you



on Feb 25, 2008
your firewall could be blocking the connection and causing a problem.  make sure to allow DX through.
on Feb 26, 2008
Nope thats not it? I dont know what to do. Can someone Please Help me? It bothers me when something I paid for isnt working?
on Feb 26, 2008
Could you give a list of some of the weather widgets? I doubt you tried all of them.
Also, some system spec's would help? What OS etc.
on Feb 27, 2008
I Tried all of the ones I have like 6 But they where working when i fist got object desktop I use them all of the time I even tried to download ones I didnt have? And The Silica ONe dowsnt work its the one that came with it and that one doesnt even work.

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name HOME-8EC252DD4D
System Manufacturer IBM
System Model 2656HHU
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1 GenuineIntel ~996 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date IBM 1FETE4WW (3.040), 10/9/2002
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158)"
User Name HOME-8EC252DD4D\Robby
Time Zone Pacific Standard Time
Total Physical Memory 768.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 410.05 MB
Total Virtual Memory 2.00 GB
Available Virtual Memory 1.96 GB
Page File Space 1.07 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
on Feb 27, 2008
The firewall suggestion seemed like the obvious solution.
What version of DX are you using?
Also, have you done any changes to Internet Explorer?
on Feb 27, 2008
ITS NOT THE FIREWALL! I turned it off and it still dont work. I am useing the latest version. I just got object desktop and Still use stardock central fro updated free for a year. I dont use internet explorer? I use maxthon? No changes.
on Feb 27, 2008
I dont know if you guys are reading my posts. The widget will open but it wont show on screen. Task manager Says that the widget is running but it is not in my system tray or on screen?
on Feb 27, 2008
Was reading your post was merely making a statement about the firewall being the most common problem.

Maxthon uses IE as a base if I remember correctly so, it should have the basic web components. Do a search on your computer for msxml.dll or msxml and a number from 1 to 6.

Edit: Go here and download this and make sure desktopx is closed or at the very least the weather widgets are before install. If this doesn't fix it I'm at a loss. Microsoft Core XML Services (MSXML) 6.0
on Feb 29, 2008
I dont quit understand I am sorry? So find all the Msxml files and number them 1 to 6 and then install the thing at the link? Sorry i am an idot? Oh and yeah mathon does use IE I forgot.
on Feb 29, 2008
I just went through this 2 days ago.

ALL my weather widgets would not function.

If I brought one into DesktopX builder mode - each one said " Script Error "

First I tried deleting the Widget cache and rebooting. Still did not work.

Then I deleted any weather widgets I had recently downloaded because sometimes 1 widget will change all your widgets in your widget folder. ( like a Radio widget ...all your radio widgets will have same stations as the most recent one even if you had pasted in different station addys )

Finally I went and downloaded a widget by buzzh58 that I knew was the same script I usually use and suddenly all my widgets worked again.

Start with deleting the Widget Cache
... DesktopX Welcome screen > Load Widgets > Options > Clear Widget Cache > Close > Reboot

Im not sure which combination was the final fix...DX can be finicky

on Feb 29, 2008
Listen to her, she's the weather goddess!

Have been spending too much time looking at code.

The method used in most (nee all?) weather scripts will work out of the box; so, my msxml suggestion doesn't matter.

Admittedly I don't use those widgets all that often but, use an Environment Canada feed for mine.

I think there's error controls in the standard scripts but, I can write either a function or work on creating a separate diagnostic type object?
on Feb 29, 2008
Ok that worked!!! Thank You fairyy!!! Your the best. I cant beleive it! Hey everyone else(sirsmiley) sorry that I got impatient with you guys. I am a jerk. Thanks guys for your help and I will remember to try this next time I have a problem.

on Feb 29, 2008
No worries, understand the frustration.

Here's a new DesktopX issues motto idea: "When in doubt clean it out"!
on Mar 01, 2008
Have been spending too much time looking at code.

Yeah, but if I needed code help..I know who I'd ask
Ok that worked!!! Thank You fairyy!!!

Its fixed - thats all that matters Your welcome.
on Apr 07, 2008
I'm having issues with the Omni Widgets, such as the Weather one. I click on the location bar and nothing appears, so I can't select a location. I've given it internet access but not server access in ZoneAlarm. The cursor seems to disappear somewhat while mousing over the widget so it's trial and error there for me. I've seen this sort of behavior with other widgets as well which makes them hard to use at present. I'm using the OS X cursor in CursorFX Plus although this happens with the default windows cursor too. I'm using Desktop 3.5 if that is of any help. In part, this may be a CursorFX Plus Bug as the OS X cursor set displays the cursor under most objects, such as the object dock, and the Windows default cursor displays correctly although the weather widget and others still fail to work.Thanks!