Ok I dont know what I Did? I was building an object bar and I wanted one of my menus to have a weather widget? So i clicked DX wid. and browsed for the weather widget i wanted?Didnt work so i tryed anther and it still didnt work. Tried few more times. Any other widget works? The calendars clocks todo list all work? Just not the weather widget? Even If I go into my widgets folder and try to open a weather widget it wont open? They will all be opened in task manager when I am through trying to get a weather to open. So i have to end them all there? They all say that they arnt responding. And if I try to bring them to the front with task manager?..... task manager goes unresponsive?. It is only with the Weather Widgets. They seen to open but I cant SEE them? And If there is a tray Icon for it ususally I cant even right click it? HELP!!!!
Thank you