I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Published on January 21, 2008 By RobJK In Tutorials

Compaired to most of the other galleries here at Wincustomize.com the sound schemes gallery is well..... cutting way short. I know that its only been a year or so since it came out ...but  there isnt much to choose from. To my knowledge there isnt even any other site that has a gallery for sound packager? Anyways what Im trying to say is we NEED MORE SOUND PACKS!

The reason I am submitting this artical is because its way easier than you may think. You just need a few simple things.


1 A recording program that lets you record what is comeing out of your speakers.

2 A Virtual Piano, otherwise known as a ONscreen Piano, with a variety of voices(insturments)

3 Wave Editing software.

4 Open Mind

And Mix it all together and you get FABULOUSE!!!


These speacial ingredients can be purchased or you can download these programs FREE! At your own risk of course!


1: http://applian.com/freecorder3/    Freerecorder( Im not shure sbout this program! If i were you i would look around and find a program that records sounds that come from your speakers)

2:http://www.pianoeletronico.com.br/index-en.html   Electronic Piano With Over 100 voices(insturments)

3: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ Audacity Has many effects like whawha delay echo and you can ad sounds to your sounds to that way you can play something on the piano open it with audacity and play another something on the piano and then add it to the first and so on>....


Open Freerecorder it will ask you to choose a place for recorded filed to be stored. Choose one with easy acess and then open electronic piano. Choose an insturment and press record on freerecorder! Then open audacity and open the file you just recorded located in the folder you choose to save them in. Manipulate the sound. Echo Reverse! Whatever you will find that you can make some cool sounds. Just play around. Dont forget you can undo anything you try so just play. And also dont forget about the drums. There is a box at the top of the piano that says play drums only. check it and your on drums. Use the left and right arrow keys on your keyboard to change the drum sound for each corresponding number/letter/symbol. Also dont forget you can open something with audacity edit it and then rocord something else and add it to it and again and again as many times as you want!

When you are done editing the sound you go to file export as .wav and save it in a folder where you will , when you have made all the sounds, open sound packager and create your new package!


If you need any help With ANY OF THIS POST QUESTIONS! I am here to help! I have gotten the hang of useing all of these programs and I know them VERY WELL! It is so much fun to do so jsut give it a try. It is really not as hard as you think when you first start. I have only used this method 3 times and i am so fast i can make a package of fun cool interesting sounds in 2 hours or less. Probly less. Just please ask my any questions about anything.


As quoted by Sir Philly0381


My personal opinion here, for those who make sounds, you do need to pay attention to the timing of the sounds to the function. Sounds that go on after the function has completed could be annoying to those using them. Myself, I like the packages that include a mix of sounds and voices.


Also Make sure that you test you sound packages for a while to make shure none of the sounds get on your nerves. This way when you upload them you dont have reupload them after you find out that it was annoying. And remember that the purpose of sound packager is that users can apply a sound package quickly and easily. People may not like you sound scheme if one of the sounds annoys them they may not even use it. They want to apply and go back to what they are doing. So just watch out for that! K ..... K!


With Audacity you can aslo cut sounds from songs and edit.

If Need Be I will add to this article and explain every aspect of audacity. WHat the effect do. How to set the effects. And so on. There isnt that much!


Well anyway I hope some of you at leat give it a try!



on Jan 21, 2008
Thanks for the tutorial.   
on Jan 21, 2008
Very Good. I plan to keep working on this. It is my challenge. Long ago and far away, there was a program called Desktop Architect which dabbled in changing the looks of a window. Chappell Fisher was by far the best at sounds for various functions of the computer. Her work can still be found on sites such as Themes Unlimited. I still go there for some of the great sounds that she would come up with.
on Jan 21, 2008
Way to go RobJK, a very helpful tutorial.   

I enjoy sounds with my computer, and I can understand you wanting to see more packages downloaded. One thing that I have noticed in reading the forums, sounds are something with no middle gound. You either like or dislike them.

My personal opinion here, for those who make sounds, you do need to pay attention to the timing of the sounds to the function. Sounds that go on after the function has completed could be annoying to those using them. Myself, I like the packages that include a mix of sounds and voices.

I also would like to say that for a relative new comer to the community here you have jumped right in and become a part of it.   
on Jan 26, 2008
  aww shucks
on Jan 26, 2008
Nice tutorial RobJK.


This has been pointed out to you before,

Compaired to most of the other galleries here at Wincustomize.com the sound schemes gallery is well..... cutting way short. I know that its only been a year or so since it came out ...but there isnt much to choose from.

the release version of SoundPackager has only been out a few months, not a year. This is why there are not that many submitted yet. The parts I bolded in the quote, come across as slamming other skinners/Stardock, IMO.
on Jan 30, 2008
Well im not slamming anyone. And what do you mean This has been pointed out to me before. All that i am trying to do is help out but i wont anymore. Im done trying to help then. Ill stop working hours at a time to get sound packages out there. FOR EVERYONE. I Guess since I keep getting denied for uploads for reasons that arnt even true and Since I am a basher of skinners and I NOT VERY HELPFULL I will stop. Seriously hurts that someone would say something like that to me! All that im trying to do here is help. Oops It hasnt been out for a year SOOO SORRY! And i think if anyone thinks i am slamming them then they can come foward themselves and say hey this seems like it is slamming me! But no one did did they just complements for the help! Thats all I wanted to do is show people a way to do it so the gallery can grow. Trying TO BE HELPFULL> wont do it again.
on Jan 30, 2008
RobJK always remember, one member of the communities opinion does not set the tone for the community. It was Cavan1's opinion, as he stated it was. He is entitled to it.

Did you have fun making your sound packages? Have people downloaded them? Seems to me as a member of community you are trying to do what all of us try, give something back to the community.   

on Jan 30, 2008
Hey RobJK; I meant no offense, as Philly has stated it was just my opinion. That is why I put the break between complimenting your tutorial and the later.

I just rechecked your thread about sound packages and where to find them, I did not when I made above post, I had thought Seabass had been more specific than just stating last year as to when sound Packager came out; my bad, sorry.
on Apr 19, 2008
Hello RobJK, I would have made a ton of sound schemes by now but Sound Packager states my wav files are the wrong compression and will not create a package from them. How do you fix this and/or what does Sound Packager allow?
on Apr 20, 2008
on Nov 01, 2009


how can I create my file *.Soundpackanger?


i want upload

on Nov 13, 2009

ReXeC: You will need SoundPackager to create sound packages. More information here: https://www.stardock.com/products/soundpackager/


on Jan 02, 2010

to find this post again