I love to draw and I am pretty good but I dont quite get the whole computer art thing. I just cant do it on the PC. I Hope you like what little iI have to offer! Thankx
Published on March 14, 2008 By RobJK In Object Desktop

For some reason right click menus are all showing there entried horizontally not veritcaly? No clue there? I have uninstalled and reinstalled still nothing?


Next question. I am gettin a new computer. It will have vista. Will I be able to transfer object desktop onto my new pc? And can I have it on both at once?

on Mar 14, 2008
Question 2: yes, as long as you are the main user on both and you only use one at a time

Quaestion 1: your obbar files are probably borked.........this will require you to start over in customizing RC......uninstall > delete folder C:\Program Files\Stardock\Object Desktop\RightClick > reboot (can't hurt) > reinstall via SDC

You might do a forum search on the RC problem first. I remember seeing it in earlier versions, maybe someone else found a fix I'm not aware of.
on Mar 14, 2008


Read the last comment.
on Mar 15, 2008
Ok thanks for the right click info. The object desktop question. So I can have Object desktop installed on both my new computer and this one at once? Becuase I will still use this computer for downloading like big files and for guests to get on the internet. It stays in the living room. the other is for school but I still want it to be customized. I will definately be useing the other for makeing skins. I am practicing to get into skinning and I plan to make my first skin on my new pc? If i can only have it on my new one it is okay but..
on Mar 15, 2008
look in the different folders (Windowblinds, Iconpackager, etc) there are EULAs in each